Dear St. Paul DFLers:

Thank you for attending the St. Paul DFL City Convention and
for all the work you put into endorsing our candidates for mayor and
for school board! While our task over the next several months is to
get these DFLers into office, please take a moment now to reflect on our City Convention, and provide your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve it.  
We have provided some questions below that you can use as a guide, but please feel free to provide whatever feedback you have about how you think the City Convention went and how it can be improved.
Stu Alger
St. Paul DFL Chair
Lynn Taplin
St. Paul DFL Associate Chair
How was your experience with the credentials process (signing in; finding delegates’ names; upgrading from alternate to delegate)?
How well did the rules work as a framework for our convention?
How did the process go for voting on candidate endorsements?
How did the process go for voting on resolutions?
How did the process go for voting on party officers?
How did the process go for voting on amendments to the St. Paul DFL  Constitution?
How was your experience overall (what went well; what didn’t go well)?
Were all your questions answered?
How do you think the process can be improved?
How are you willing to help?
Please send you responses by email to Sara Reller at or by U.S. mail to St. Paul DFL, P.O. Box 40425, St. Paul, MN  55104.