City DFL Ward 3
Precinct Meetings and Convention
April 22, 2001 - 12:30 p.m.
Jr. High Auditorium
Precinct Meetings - 1:00 p.m.
Precinct Meetings are open to any resident of the precinct, at least 16 years old by Election day, who agrees with the principles of the DFL party. Learn about what the DFL has been doing in Saint Paul, meet candidates for Mayor and School Board, and speak directly with elected officials. Bring your issues to discuss with the other members of your precinct. Delegates to the Ward 3 Convention are chosen at the Precinct Meetings.
Ward 3 Convention - 2:00 p.m.
The Ward 3 Convention will be held immediately after precinct meetings. If you want to have a greater voice in the DFL party, and influence the races for Mayor and School Board, become a delegate to the Ward 3 Convention. Delegates will select the Ward 3 officers and select delegates to the City DFL Convention on June 2, 2001. The City DFL Convention will determine who is endorsed in the races for Mayor and School Board.
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