Ward 3 DFL Ticker     February 17, 2001




St. Paul City DFL News

Precinct Meeting/Ward Convention Update

Organizational Notes

Spread the Word




St. Paul City DFL News


The City DFL has chosen new officers in advance of the Precinct Meetings and Ward Conventions.  C. Scott Cooper has taken over the helm as Chair.  After putting in a lot of effort to keep the City DFL going, Mary Hannahan has stepped down to concentrate on her new job responsibilities.  C. Scott can be reached by email at mcscottish@aol.com.  With Eric Haugee stepping down to take the vacant post as 4th Ward Co-Chair, Brigid McDonough was chosen to fill the newly vacant Associate Chair position.  Phil Thao, was chosen as Secretary, relieving Thora Cartlidge of the duties she has so ably performed. 


A personnel change has also occurred within Ward 3.  We lost Co-Chair Megan Thomas to a move into Ward 4 (where we hear her housing was too affordable an offer to refuse) about a year ago.  Angie Kline has volunteered to fill that post.  Angie can be reached by at 1860 Yorkshire Avenue.




Precinct Meeting/Ward Convention Update


Ward 3 is having a combined Precinct Meeting/Ward Convention on Sunday, April 22, 2001, at the Highland Jr. High School Auditorium.  The Precinct Meeting portion is scheduled for 1:00 p.m.  Access to the site, organizational issues, candidate coordination, and event amenities all remain to be worked out.


All the precinct chairs should check their calendars and make sure April 22 is open.  If you can't make it, let one of the co-chairs know.  Try to recruit a caucus convenor - it will make life easier on you at the precinct meeting.  If you are really motivated, consider recruiting neighbors to attend.  You can reassure anyone concerned that the precinct meeting  phase will be done within an hour.  We have only the election of Ward Officers and selection of City Convention delegates to be conducted at the Ward Convention, so we are reasonably assured of being all done by 5:00 p.m. at the latest.


If anyone has a question about precinct boundaries in Ward 3, contact me, Mike Lewis (michaelwjlewis@netscape.net) - I have the map.  Now where did I put that again?  I can also help with questions about attendees at last year's precinct meetings.  The call will be produced by the City DFL - more details to follow.




Organizational Notes


I am attempting to keep the Ward informed within our meager budget.  This means email because of the absence of printing and mailing costs.  There are two primary ways of handling this.  One is to use the blind copy function.  This can get awkward if people are not careful about avoiding the "reply to all" function.  Another is to set up an Egroups/Yahoo list.  I am open to any suggestions.  I will be contacting the precinct chairs without known emails to see if they can get wired.  Other options will be explored as needed.


I will set up a meeting with the Ward Officers, precinct chairs, and anyone else interested in March.  We can get re-acquainted, answer any questions that may be lingering, and make sure we are all on the same page of the playbook before the Precinct Meeting/Convention.  I am looking forward to seeing you all. 




Spread the Word


Two years ago, Ward 3 had approximately 440 delegate slots to fill for the Ward Convention.  140 slots were filled at the Tuesday precinct caucuses.  The Ward 3 convention convened with 67 delegates in attendance.  We can do much better.   The voters come out every November.  They vote overwhelmingly for our candidates.  If we can convince these voters to take a closer look at the DFL, I think we can both strengthen our party and broaden its appeal.  I will be working to make that happen and I hope that you will help.




Michael Lewis

Ward 3 DFL Co-Chair

