February, 2000

Michael Lewis

Ken Iosso

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Chair's Corner

Precinct Caucuses and the Senate District Convention are on Saturday, March 11 at Central High School. Precinct caucuses and the Senate District Convention are BOTH on Saturday, March 11 at Central High School. If you remember nothing else from reading this newsletter, remember this and come! We are making a big change this year, cutting out a level in the Convention process, giving precinct caucus goers a chance to have a direct say in our choice for President and having music, food and different interest groups tabling at a kind of fair in between. The Senate District 64 caucuses and convention have always been fun ways to catch up with neighbors and old friends while making sure our voice is heard. In 2000, they will be more fun and our voices will be more clearly heard.

We have a very crowded Senate race this year and our district has gotten plenty of attention from the candidates. At a small fundraiser the other night in the heart of 64, all but one of the seven candidates showed up to try and win over about 15 guests. If you want to talk one-on-one with any of the candidates and hear them speak from the stage, you'll get your chance on March 11th. We have a golden opportunity this year to replace one of the worst Senators in the US with a very good one. I implore people who don't always go to these things to come this year. We need the full range of thought in the DFL represented to make this process relevant.

We will also be endorsing our local legislators on March 11 as well as electing party officers. Please call me at 698-3032 if you are interested in serving at any level. It's easy to get involved.

On a personal note I want to thank Kathy McGill, who is stepping down after serving as a superb Associate Chair for the past two years. No one has worked harder to open our sometimes arcane processes and get our candidates elected. Her sense of humor, knowledge of campaigns, and willingness to do the dirty work made my job and the work of all the Senate District leadership easier and more enjoyable. We will continue to look to her for advice and help in whatever role she chooses.

Ken Iosso - SD 64 Chair
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